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Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Peridot - A Gemstone of the Olivine Mineral Family


Peridot - A Gemstone of the Olivine Mineral Family

Peridot image

Discovery and History

Peridot is a gemstone that belongs to the olivine mineral family. The name "peridot" comes from the French word "peritot," which means "unclear." Peridot has been used as a gemstone for over 3,000 years and has been found in many places around the world.

The ancient Egyptians were known to use peridot in their jewelry and believed that it had mystical powers. The Romans also used peridot in their jewelry and called it the "evening emerald" because of its green color, which did not darken at night.

Peridot was first discovered in the Red Sea on an island called Zabargad, which is now known as St. John's Island. The island was a major source of peridot for the ancient Egyptians and was later rediscovered by the Crusaders. Today, peridot is found in many places around the world, including Burma, Pakistan, Arizona, and China.


Peridot comes from Different localities 

  • Burmese Peridot: Usually bright green color and is found in Burma.
  • Pakistani Peridot: This type of peridot is known for its large size and is found in the Sput or Spal , Kohistan, Khyber Pakhtunkwa, Pakistan.
  • Arizona Peridot: Comes from San Carlos Apache Reservation in Arizona and is known for its yellow-green color.
  • Chinese Peridot: Comes from China and is known for its yellow-green color and high transparency.

Peridot in Meteorites

Peridot, also known as olivine, is a green mineral that is found in many types of rocks including meteorites. It is one of the few minerals that is found in both extraterrestrial and terrestrial environments.

Peridot was first discovered in the pallasite meteorite in 1749. Pallasites are a type of stony-iron meteorite that are composed of both metal and silicate minerals. The peridot crystals found in pallasites are often large and gem-quality.

Peridot has also been found in other types of meteorites such as chondrites, which are the most common type of meteorite. Chondrites are composed of small, round grains called chondrules that formed in the early solar system. Peridot crystals found in chondrites are usually smaller and less well-formed than those found in pallasites.


Uses of Peridot

Peridot is a popular gemstone that is used in many different types of jewelry. It is also used in other decorative objects such as vases and bowls. Peridot is believed to have many healing properties and is sometimes used in alternative medicine.

Peridot is also the birthstone for the month of August and is said to bring good luck and protect against evil spirits.

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