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Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Demantoid Garnet Details

Demantoid Garnet

Demantoid garnet is a rare green variety of garnet that was first discovered in the mid-1800s in Russia. It is the most valuable and sought-after member of the garnet family due to its unique combination of beauty, rarity, and durability.


Demantoid garnet was first discovered in 1853 in the Ural Mountains of Russia. It was named after its diamond-like luster, which comes from its high refractive index and dispersion. Today, most of the world's demantoid garnets come from Namibia and Madagascar.


Demantoid garnet comes in a range of colors, including green, yellowish-green, and brownish-green. The most valuable demantoids are a pure green color with no brown or yellow tones. Demantoids may also contain inclusions of needle-like crystals that resemble horse tails, which are highly prized by collectors.

Horse Tail Inclusions

Horse tail inclusions are a rare and highly prized feature of some demantoid garnets. These inclusions consist of needle-like crystals that radiate out from a central point, resembling the tail of a horse. They are caused by mineral inclusions that form during the gemstone's growth process, and are unique to demantoid garnets.

Russian Demantoid Garnet

Russian demantoid garnets are highly sought-after by collectors due to their superior color and clarity. Russian demantoids are known for their bright green color and lack of inclusions, making them some of the most valuable demantoids in the world.

Pakistani Demantoid Garnet

Pakistani demantoid garnets are a recent discovery and are highly valued for their unique combination of color and clarity. They are known for their bright green color and high transparency, which makes them ideal for faceting.

Irani Demantoid Garnet

Irani demantoid garnets are known for their bright green color and high clarity. They are typically smaller than other demantoids, but are highly prized for their beauty and rarity.

African Demantoid Garnet

African demantoid garnets are typically larger than other demantoids and are known for their bright green color and high clarity. They are often found with inclusions, but can still be highly valuable due to their size and beauty.

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