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Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Gemological Refractometer



Construction of Refractometer

A refractometer consists of a light source, a contact liquid chamber, and an optical system for measuring the refractive index of a substance.

Sources of Illumination (Sodium Light)

Sodium light is commonly used as a source of illumination in refractometers due to its monochromatic nature.

Contact Liquid

The contact liquid is used to ensure proper contact between the substance being measured and the refractometer prism. It helps minimize air gaps and improves the accuracy of the measurement.

Using the Refractometer

To use the refractometer, follow these steps:

  1. Place a few drops of the contact liquid on the prism.
  2. Open the cover plate and ensure the prism is clean and dry.
  3. Close the cover plate and wait for the temperature of the refractometer to stabilize.
  4. Open the cover plate again and place a drop of the substance being measured on the prism.
  5. Close the cover plate and look through the eyepiece.

Taking Reading

To take a reading, observe the boundary between the illuminated and dark areas in the field of view. The refractive index can be read directly from the scale.

Use of the Polarizing Filter

A polarizing filter can be used in some refractometers to enhance the visibility of the boundary between the illuminated and dark areas. It helps reduce glare and improves accuracy.

Optical Character (SR/DR)

The optical character of a substance can be determined using a refractometer. It can be categorized as either singly refracting (SR) or doubly refracting (DR) based on its behavior when interacting with light.


A uniaxial substance exhibits a single optical axis and behaves differently in different crystallographic directions.


A biaxial substance exhibits two optical axes and behaves differently in different crystallographic directions.


Birefringence refers to the property of a substance to split a light beam into two polarized rays with different refractive indices. It is often observed in biaxial substances.

Cause of Color in Gemstones


Cause of Color in Gemstones

Selective Absorption

Selective absorption is one of the main causes of color in gemstones. Certain gemstones have atoms or ions in their crystal structure that selectively absorb certain wavelengths of light. The absorbed wavelengths correspond to the colors that are seen by our eyes, giving the gemstones their characteristic color.

Residual Color

Residual color refers to the color that remains in a gemstone even after all impurities have been removed. This residual color is caused by the presence of trace elements or defects in the crystal lattice of the gemstone.

The Transition Elements

The transition elements, such as chromium, iron, and titanium, can cause color in gemstones. These elements can replace certain atoms in the crystal structure of the gemstone and give rise to different colors.

Crystal Field Transitions

Crystal field transitions occur when electrons in the crystal lattice of a gemstone absorb or emit light energy. These transitions are responsible for the colors observed in certain gemstones.

Charge Transfer Process

The charge transfer process involves the transfer of electrons between different elements or ions in a gemstone. This process can result in the creation of color centers and contribute to the overall color of the gemstone.

Color Center

A color center is a defect in the crystal lattice of a gemstone that can absorb or emit specific wavelengths of light, resulting in color. Color centers can be caused by various factors, such as radiation or impurities.

Heavy Liquid Method - Specific Gravity


Heavy Liquid Method - Specific Gravity

Specific Gravity

Specific gravity is a measurement used in the heavy liquid method to determine the density of minerals. It is the ratio of the density of a substance to the density of a reference substance (usually water). Specific gravity is a dimensionless quantity.

In the heavy liquid method, specific gravity is used to determine the appropriate heavy liquid to use for mineral separation. Each heavy liquid has a specific gravity that allows it to separate minerals based on their density.

Types of Liquids and Their Uses

  • Tetrabromoethane (TBE): Used for separating minerals with a density greater than 2.85 g/cm³.
  • Sodium polytungstate (SPT): Used for separating minerals with a density between 2.85 g/cm³ and 2.95 g/cm³.
  • Diiodomethane (DIM): Used for separating minerals with a density less than 2.95 g/cm³.


  • Handle the heavy liquids in a well-ventilated area or under a fume hood to avoid inhaling any fumes.
  • Wear appropriate personal protective equipment, such as gloves and goggles, to protect yourself from the heavy liquids.
  • Store the heavy liquids in properly labeled containers and away from sources of heat or ignition.
  • Dispose of the used heavy liquids according to local regulations and guidelines.

What is Fluorescence, Phosphorescence, Tenebrescent?


Fluorescence, Phosphorescence, Tenebrescent


Fluorescence is the phenomenon where a substance absorbs electromagnetic radiation, usually in the form of ultraviolet (UV) light, and then emits visible light. The emitted light has a longer wavelength and lower energy than the absorbed light. This process is instantaneous and stops as soon as the excitation source is removed.


Phosphorescence is similar to fluorescence, but with a key difference. In phosphorescence, the emitted light continues to be emitted even after the excitation source is removed. This is known as "afterglow." The delay in emission is due to the presence of certain materials called phosphors, which store the absorbed energy temporarily and release it slowly over time.


Tenebrescence, also known as reversible photochromism, is a property of certain materials that can change their color or opacity when exposed to specific wavelengths of light. These materials undergo a reversible chemical or structural change upon exposure to light, resulting in a temporary alteration in their optical properties. When the light source is removed, the material returns to its original state.

Long Waves

Long waves generally refer to electromagnetic waves with longer wavelengths, such as radio waves and microwaves. These waves have lower frequencies and carry less energy compared to shorter waves like visible light, ultraviolet (UV) light, and X-rays.

Short Waves

Short waves generally refer to electromagnetic waves with shorter wavelengths, such as visible light, ultraviolet (UV) light, and X-rays. These waves have higher frequencies and carry more energy compared to longer waves like radio waves and microwaves.

Uses of Ultraviolet Lamp

Ultraviolet (UV) lamps emit ultraviolet light, which can be used for various purposes, including:

  • Disinfection: UV light can be used to kill or inactivate bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms.
  • Fluorescent inspection: UV light can be used to detect fluorescence in certain materials, helping in quality control and forensic investigations.
  • Curing: UV light can be used to cure or harden certain materials, such as adhesives, paints, and coatings.
  • Phototherapy: UV light can be used in medical treatments, such as treating skin conditions like psoriasis and vitiligo.


When handling ultraviolet lamps, it is important to take the following precautions:

  • Avoid direct exposure to UV light as it can damage the eyes and skin. Wear appropriate protective equipment like UV-blocking goggles and gloves.
  • Follow manufacturer instructions for safe operation and maintenance of the UV lamp.
  • Keep the lamp away from flammable materials.
  • Ensure proper ventilation to prevent the accumulation of ozone, which can be harmful.

Gemological Microscope and its uses


Gemological Microscope and Use of Illuminations Techniques

The gemological microscope is an essential tool in gemology as it allows gemologists to observe gemstones at high magnification, revealing their internal features and characteristics. Here are some key points about the gemological microscope and its various illumination techniques:

Features of the Gem Microscope

  • High magnification capabilities
  • Adjustable focus and zoom
  • Built-in light source
  • Ability to attach a camera for documentation purposes

Types of Illumination

  1. Reflected/Incident Illumination: This technique uses a light source positioned above the gemstone to illuminate it from different angles. It helps to reveal surface features, such as scratches and polishing marks.
  2. Dark Field Illumination: In this technique, the light source is positioned at an angle, causing the gemstone's facets to reflect light only when they have inclusions or defects. It enhances the visibility of internal features.
  3. Direct Light Field Illumination: This technique involves directing the light source straight through the gemstone, highlighting its transparency and internal characteristics.
  4. Diffused Illumination using White/Blue Filter: By using a white or blue filter, the gemologist can enhance or alter the color of the light passing through the gemstone, aiding in the identification of certain gem types.
  5. Polarized Illumination: Polarized light helps to identify and analyze the optical properties of gemstones, such as pleochroism and birefringence.
  6. Immersion: Immersion techniques involve immersing the gemstone in a liquid medium, such as refractive index liquids, to minimize the gemstone's brilliance and reveal its internal features more clearly.

Gemstone Inclusions and Types

Gemstone inclusions are natural or man-made materials trapped within a gemstone during its formation. They can provide valuable information about the gemstone's origin, formation process, and authenticity. Here are some common types of gemstone inclusions:

  • Fluid Inclusions: Small pockets of liquid trapped within the gemstone, which can contain water, gas, or other volatile substances.
  • Crystal Inclusions: Solid mineral crystals that are enclosed within the gemstone and can vary in size, shape, and color.
  • Needle Inclusions: Long, thin, needle-like structures that can be transparent, colored, or metallic.
  • Feather Inclusions: Cracks or fractures within the gemstone that resemble feathers, often caused by stress during the gemstone's formation.
  • Gas Inclusions: Tiny bubbles of gas trapped within the gemstone, which can affect its transparency and overall appearance.
  • Mineral Inclusions: Small mineral grains embedded within the gemstone, which can help identify the gemstone's type and origin.

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Rare Earth Elements (REE) and its unique properties


Rare Earth Elements

Rare earth elements (REEs) are a group of chemical elements that are essential in various industries due to their unique properties. Here are some of the rare earth elements and their uses:

ScandiumAlloying agent in aerospace components, improves the performance of solid oxide fuel cells, enhances the properties of aluminum alloys, used in high-intensity discharge lamps, used in sports equipment like baseball bats and bicycle frames for its lightweight and high-strength properties
YttriumUsed in superconductors, phosphors for color televisions, lasers, and solid-state lasers, catalysts in petrochemical refining, and as a component in ceramics and glass
LanthanumUsed in hybrid car batteries, camera lenses, high-refractive-index glass, catalysts in the petroleum industry, and as a component in ceramics and glass
CeriumUsed in catalytic converters, self-cleaning ovens, polishing agents, and as a component in glass, enamels, and ceramics
PraseodymiumUsed in magnets, lasers, alloys for aircraft engines, and as a component in ceramics and glass
NeodymiumUsed in magnets, lasers, headphones, microphones, and as a component in ceramics and glass
PromethiumUsed in nuclear batteries, thickness gauges, and luminous paint
SamariumUsed in magnets, lasers, neutron capture therapy for cancer treatment, and as a component in ceramics and glass
EuropiumUsed in phosphors for color televisions, fluorescent lamps, and as a component in ceramics and glass
GadoliniumUsed in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), neutron capture therapy for cancer treatment, and as a component in ceramics and glass
TerbiumUsed in phosphors for color televisions, fluorescent lamps, lasers, and as a component in ceramics and glass
DysprosiumUsed in magnets, lasers, nuclear reactors, and as a component in ceramics and glass
HolmiumUsed in magnets, lasers, nuclear reactors, and as a component in ceramics and glass
ErbiumUsed in lasers, fiber-optic communication systems, and as a component in ceramics and glass
ThuliumUsed in lasers, portable X-ray devices, and as a component in ceramics and glass
YtterbiumUsed in lasers, atomic clocks, and as a component in ceramics and glass
LutetiumUsed in catalysts, phosphors, and as a component in ceramics and glass

What is glass filled ruby? how to identify glass filled ruby? what is the price of glass filled ruby?

Glass Filled Ruby

What is glass filled ruby?

Glass filled ruby is a type of ruby gemstone that has been treated with lead glass to enhance its overall appearance and color. This treatment helps improve the clarity and vibrancy of the stone.

Glass filled ruby is a popular choice for those looking for an affordable alternative to natural rubies. The lead glass filling masks any imperfections or fractures within the stone, giving it a smoother and more lustrous look. However, it is important to note that the treatment is not considered permanent and the stone may require special care to maintain its brilliance.

How to identify glass filled ruby?

One way to identify a glass filled ruby is by examining it closely under magnification. Look for telltale signs of glass filling, such as air bubbles, swirling patterns, or cracks. Additionally, glass filled rubies may have a higher refractive index and lower hardness compared to natural rubies.

To identify glass filled ruby, carefully inspect it under magnification and search for visible signs like air bubbles, swirling patterns, or cracks that indicate glass filling. Another indicator could be the ruby's higher refractive index and lower hardness when compared to natural rubies. These observations can help to determine whether a ruby has undergone glass filling during its treatment process.

What is the price of glass filled ruby?

The price of glass filled ruby depends on its quality. Generally, it ranges from $3 per carat to $15.

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Diamonds: Nature's Perfect Creations


Diamonds: Nature's Perfect Creations

Diamonds have always fascinated people with their unparalleled beauty and rarity. In this blog, we will explore the mesmerizing world of diamonds and uncover some of their hidden secrets.

The Astonishing Variety of Diamonds

As we delve into the world of diamonds, we are introduced to an incredible assortment of shapes and colors. The largest diamond on display here is a massive 240 carat stone, although its shape may not be as remarkable. However, as we explore further, we discover diamonds in various captivating shapes. From perfect octahedrons to beautiful cubes, each diamond tells its own unique story.

Unveiling the Hidden Secrets

Nature has a way of creating wonders that leave us in awe. It is truly breathtaking to witness how diamonds, even in their raw, uncut form, display such geometric perfection. The presence of impurities can give diamonds different colors, ranging from vibrant yellow to striking purple. Some diamonds even resemble familiar objects like footballs or skulls, adding an intriguing touch to their allure.

The Chemistry Behind Diamonds

While diamonds are primarily composed of carbon, they are not entirely pure. Traces of nitrogen can be found within them, although they are invisible to the naked eye. However, when exposed to ultraviolet light, these nitrogen centers reveal themselves by emitting a mesmerizing blue glow. By studying the fluorescence of diamonds, scientists can gain insights into their structure and chemistry, unlocking their mysteries further.

A Glimpse Into the Sorting Process

The sorting department is where the true value of diamonds is determined. Despite their appearance as mere grains of sand, each diamond is meticulously examined and classified based on its grade. It is a testament to their worth and rarity that this process is done by hand. Even the tiniest diamonds exhibit exquisite octahedral shapes, showcasing the delicate craftsmanship of nature.

The Touch of Diamonds

Finally, the most extraordinary moment arrives as we witness the host being allowed to touch diamonds with bare hands. The sensation is akin to touching sand, yet with a metallic twist due to the excellent heat conductivity of diamonds. It is a rare privilege to have a million dollars' worth of diamonds running through one's fingers, making every diamond a truly special and remarkable gem.

Friday, November 10, 2023

Jermejevite (Rare Mineral)


Jermejevite (Rare  Aluminium Borate Mineral) 

1. Introduction to Jeremejevite

Jeremejevite is a fascinating mineral that has captured the attention of gemstone enthusiasts and mineral collectors alike. Known for its striking blue color and hexagonal crystal structure, this gemstone has a unique beauty that sets it apart from other minerals. In this article, we will delve into the crystal structure and physical properties of jeremejevite, its formation and occurrence in nature, as well as its intriguing historical background and discovery.

2. Crystal Structure and Physical Properties

2.1 Hexagonal Crystal System

Jeremejevite belongs to the hexagonal crystal system, which gives its crystals a distinct six-sided prismatic shape. This hexagonal symmetry is responsible for the gemstone's mesmerizing appearance and exceptional optical properties.

2.2 Prismatic Crystal Habits

Crystals of jeremejevite are typically seen in a hexagonal prismatic habit, with well-formed faces and sharp edges. This crystal habit adds to the gemstone's allure, as it showcases its beauty from various angles.

2.3 Physical Properties of Jeremejevite

In addition to its striking appearance, jeremejevite possesses interesting physical properties. It has a hardness of 6.5 to 7.5 on the Mohs scale, making it suitable for jewelry purposes. Its refractive index ranges from 1.63 to 1.65, giving the gemstone a sparkling brilliance when properly faceted. Moreover, jeremejevite has a specific gravity of around 3.3, similar to quartz, which helps distinguish it from other minerals.

3. Formation and Occurrence

3.1 Geological Formation Processes

Jeremejevite is formed through the hydrothermal process, where hot mineral-rich fluids interact with the surrounding rocks. These fluids carry the essential elements needed for jeremejevite's crystallization, such as aluminum, boron, and oxygen. The specific conditions required for its formation are still not completely understood, hence contributing to its rarity.

3.2 Worldwide Occurrence

While once considered a rare gemstone, jeremejevite has been discovered in various locations around the world. Some notable occurrences include Namibia, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, and Russia. However, it is important to note that jeremejevite is still considered relatively rare and is not commonly found in large quantities.

4. Historical Background and Discovery

4.1 Early Observations and Naming

Jeremejevite was first observed in 1883 by a Russian mineralogist named Pavel Vladimirovich Eremeev (also transliterated as Pavel Vladimirovich Jeremejev), after whom it was named. Eremeev found the gemstone in the Adun-Chilon Mountains in Siberia, Russia. This serendipitous discovery marked the beginning of our understanding of this beautiful mineral.

4.2 Key Discoveries and Contributions

In the early 2000s, significant discoveries and advances in jeremejevite mining and identification techniques were made. These discoveries expanded the known occurrences of jeremejevite and contributed to our understanding of its geological formation processes. Additionally, improved cutting and faceting techniques unlocked the gemstone's true potential, allowing it to be transformed into exquisite jewelry pieces that showcase its beauty to its fullest extent.

In conclusion, jeremejevite is a captivating gemstone with a unique hexagonal crystal structure and striking blue color. Its rarity and stunning appearance make it highly coveted by collectors and gemstone enthusiasts. Through ongoing research and exploration, we continue to unravel the mysteries surrounding jeremejevite, further deepening our appreciation for this extraordinary mineral.

5. Mineral Data Publishing and Version 1

Mineral Data Publishing sounds like a fancy name for a group of rock-star scientists who are obsessed with mineral information. And Version 1? Well, you know what they say about first versions - they're like those awkward teenage years, full of discoveries and growth.

But let's focus on why it's important. Mineral Data Publishing provides crucial details about minerals, including our star of the show, Jeremejevite. These folks gather all the juicy intel about our favorite crystal and put it out there for the world to see. It's like a mineral matchmaking service, connecting rock enthusiasts with everything they need to know about Jeremejevite.

6. Hexagonal Prismatic Crystal Morphology

When it comes to Jeremejevite, the crystal morphology can make your head spin faster than a disco ball. Picture a hexagonal prismatic shape, resembling an elongated pencil, but way cooler than anything you used to doodle with in math class. This unique crystal formation is what sets Jeremejevite apart from the mineral crowd.

So, why does it matter? Well, knowing the crystal morphology helps geologists identify Jeremejevite in a jumble of other minerals. It's like having a signature dance move that makes you instantly recognizable on a crowded dance floor. Jeremejevite knows how to stand out from the crowd.

7. Point Group and Symmetry

Now, let's dive into the nerdy world of point groups and symmetry. It's like a math class and a dance party had a baby – totally mind-blowing and strangely beautiful.

Jeremejevite belongs to the point group 6/m, which sounds way more complicated than it actually is. Imagine a group of friends forming a line with two friends in the center, while the others mirror their moves. It's like doing the cha-cha with a touch of geometric precision. The symmetry of Jeremejevite's point group adds an element of elegance to this already awesome crystal.

So, what does it mean? Well, it helps scientists classify and understand the crystal structure, kind of like knowing which dance style you're busting out at the club. It's all about finding order in the chaos and getting your groove on.

8. Conclusion and Future Research Perspectives

In conclusion, Jeremejevite is not your average mineral. With its hexagonal prismatic crystal morphology and its point group symmetry, it dazzles both geologists and party animals alike. Thanks to the efforts of Mineral Data Publishing and Version 1, we now have a comprehensive source of information about this extraordinary crystal.

But the journey doesn't end here. There's still so much to learn and explore about Jeremejevite. Future research could uncover even more fascinating details about its formation, properties, and potential uses. So, whether you're a rock-loving enthusiast or just intrigued by the wonders of nature, keep your eyes on Jeremejevite because it's a crystal that keeps on surprising us. Who knows what we'll discover next? Keep calm and rock on!

8. Conclusion and Future Research Perspectives

In conclusion, Jeremejevite stands as an exceptional mineral with its hexagonal prismatic crystal structure and intriguing physical properties. Its rarity and unique characteristics have made it a subject of fascination for mineral enthusiasts and scientists. Through the publication of mineral data and ongoing research, our knowledge of Jeremejevite continues to expand. As we delve deeper into understanding its formation, occurrence, and crystal morphology, we unlock valuable insights into the geological processes that shape our planet. The study of Jeremejevite opens up avenues for future research, providing opportunities to uncover further mysteries and gain a deeper appreciation for the wonders of the mineral world.


1. How rare is Jeremejevite?

Jeremejevite is considered a very rare mineral. It is not commonly found in large quantities or widespread locations. Its scarcity contributes to its value and desirability among collectors and enthusiasts.

2. What are the physical properties of Jeremejevite?

Jeremejevite typically forms hexagonal prismatic crystals with a hardness of 6.5 to 7.5 on the Mohs scale. It exhibits a vitreous luster and can range in color from colorless to pale blue, yellow, or green. The crystal structure and physical properties of Jeremejevite make it a fascinating subject for scientific study.

3. Where is Jeremejevite found?

Jeremejevite has been found in a few select locations around the world. Some notable occurrences include Namibia, Russia, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, and Myanmar. However, it is important to note that Jeremejevite is not commonly found and its occurrence is limited.

4. What is the significance of mineral data publishing for Jeremejevite?

Mineral data publishing plays a crucial role in documenting and sharing information about Jeremejevite. It allows scientists and researchers to record the physical properties, crystal structures, and other relevant data, enabling a better understanding of this rare mineral. It also facilitates communication within the scientific community and helps in the identification and classification of Jeremejevite specimens.