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Sunday, April 18, 2021

The Dichroscope, it types, its construction and its uses


he dichroscope is a pocket-sized tool that can aid in the identification of gemstones. This tool is used to inspect pleochroism (leochroism is the change of color in colored anisotropic double refractive  gemstones when viewed from different directions) in gemstones and to quickly separate some common stones from each other (such as ruby versus red garnet).


There are two types of dichroscopes on the market:

  • calcite dichroscopes
  • polarizing dichroscopes

In anisotropic gemstones, different colors are absorbed in different directions ("directional selective absorption") which causes the pleochroism that is observed with the dichroscope.

Calcite dichroscope

The calcite dichroscope is the preferred type of dichroscope used in gemology. It works because the calcite rhomb (Iceland spar) separates the polarized slow and fast ray emerging from the gemstone. If you look at the viewing end of the dichroscope, two small windows are seen.
A gemstone is placed in front of the aperture (slightly touching it) with a strong white light source (such as a penlight) directly behind the stone. Light enters through the aperture of the dichroscope. The pleochroism colors inside the gemstone are separated by the calcite rhomb. The glass prisms on either side of the rhomb are there to guide the light straight through the instrument.


Calcite dichroscope

Calcite Dichroscope 

Calcite Dichroscope 

view in calcite dichrosoope 


Polarization dichroscope

Two polarizers

Pleochroism may also be observed with the use of a polarizing filter. The disadvantage is that one will only see one of the pleochroic colors at a time, making subtle changes of colors (shades) difficult to recognize. This can be overcome by placing two polarizing filters close together, each orientated 90° to the other (one in North-South and the other in East-West position).

Although this kind of dichroscope is very economical, the results obtained by them are less clear than in the calcite ones. Stones with weak pleochroism will be hard to determine with this type of tool.

The London dichroscope is a popular brand.

Polarization dichroscope

pleochroism in polarization dichroscope

pleochroic stone in london dichroscope 


Proper use and possible observations

Inspection directions

  1. through the table
  2. through the crown facets
  3. another direction through the crown facets
  4. through the girdle
  5. a different direction through the girdle

There are three possibilities to test the gemstone in Dichroscope

1. the colors in both windows remain the same in all directions

the stone is isotropic (single refractive)

2. in total 2 colors are observed  

the stone is anisotropic uniaxial

3. in total 3 colors are seen

the stone is anisotropic biaxial

Pleochroism in different gemstones 

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