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Saturday, February 24, 2024

Mimetolith Topographic on chert

Mimetolith is defined as a topographic feature on rock, Mineral specimen, loose stone etcetera  with any combination of shape and pattern that resembles a real tree, plant, animal, human etcetera.
The stone shown in the pictures is a chert on which clearly seen an old lady's topography which is naturally formed. 

Watch this video for more information 

a close up of a person holding a pair of scissors
Mimetolith Topographic on chert

a close up of a piece of bread on a plate
Mimetolith Topographic on chert

a close up of a cake on a plate
Mimetolith Topographic on chert

a close up of a person holding a pair of scissors
Mimetolith Topographic on chert

a close up of a white and black keyboard
Mimetolith Topographic on chert


Unknown said...

Amazing, isn't it? This piece you present is among countless others. Obscure, intriguing, and much in fact that many other viewers believe it is unreal and purely imagination. I know otherwise, but have yet to find purpose in it. Mostly i experience a near overwhelming sense of awe towards this subject.

For awesome people said...

First of all very sorry for late reply. I want to answer your question as following
Mr. Benjamin M. Shaub, then a professor of geology at Smith College, Northampton, wrote an article "Seeing things in rocks and minerals? Why?" that was published in Rocks and Minerals in 1961*. Massachusetts.

The article starts out with the following statements:
"For some people, ... it appears that their chief enjoyment in rocks and minerals is based largely on what objects they can see in the pieces that appear familiar to them when they look at the various shapes and configurations that these natural objects assume .... This game is so intriguing to some of the members of our mineral and rock fraternity that they specialize in collecting such oddities. They have fun! And their collections are the source of entertainment for their friends and most visitors."

With regards