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Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Cause of Color in Gemstones


Cause of Color in Gemstones

Selective Absorption

Selective absorption is one of the main causes of color in gemstones. Certain gemstones have atoms or ions in their crystal structure that selectively absorb certain wavelengths of light. The absorbed wavelengths correspond to the colors that are seen by our eyes, giving the gemstones their characteristic color.

Residual Color

Residual color refers to the color that remains in a gemstone even after all impurities have been removed. This residual color is caused by the presence of trace elements or defects in the crystal lattice of the gemstone.

The Transition Elements

The transition elements, such as chromium, iron, and titanium, can cause color in gemstones. These elements can replace certain atoms in the crystal structure of the gemstone and give rise to different colors.

Crystal Field Transitions

Crystal field transitions occur when electrons in the crystal lattice of a gemstone absorb or emit light energy. These transitions are responsible for the colors observed in certain gemstones.

Charge Transfer Process

The charge transfer process involves the transfer of electrons between different elements or ions in a gemstone. This process can result in the creation of color centers and contribute to the overall color of the gemstone.

Color Center

A color center is a defect in the crystal lattice of a gemstone that can absorb or emit specific wavelengths of light, resulting in color. Color centers can be caused by various factors, such as radiation or impurities.

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