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Thursday, February 16, 2023

The myths about specific gemstone types

 Myths About Gemstones

Myths about gemstones have been around since ancient times, and they vary from culture to culture. While some people believe that certain gemstones have supernatural powers, others are more skeptical. No matter what your opinion is, here are some popular myths about gemstones that have been around for centuries.


One of the most popular myths is that wearing a certain gemstone can bring protection against negative energies. This belief originated in India, where Hindus believe that certain gemstones contain a protective power known as “mantras”. This belief is so widespread that there is even an Indian proverb that translates to “a man of gold is better than one of stone.” In other cultures, gemstones are eschewed as demonic.


Another common belief is that certain gemstones can enhance one’s psychic powers. It is believed that wearing a gemstone can increase one’s mental clarity, sharpness and intuition. In southeast Asia, gemstones are often used in fortune-telling and palm-reading rituals.


Healing properties are also attributed to gemstones. In Indian culture, gemstones are thought to have the power to heal certain physical ailments. For example, in Indian Ayurvedic medicine, rubies are believed to cure stomach ulcers, while sapphires can help alleviate headaches and anxiety.


Another myth provides us with some insight into the superstitious beliefs regarding gemstones. It is said that if a person wears two types of gems together, he or she will attract good luck. This belief likely originates from the idea that when two different elements are combined, unity is created.


Finally, some cultures believe that wearing a certain gemstone on an appropriate day will bring good luck and fortune. For example, in Hinduism, Tuesday is considered an auspicious day to wear a ruby, while Thursday is the day to wear a sapphire.


Regardless of what you believe, gemstones have been important to humans since ancient times. Whether you believe their mystical powers or not, they make beautiful and eye-catching adornments. With a bit of imagination, wearing a gemstone can add a little extra sparkle to your day.

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